Therian Spirit

Autumn Equinox 2024 (ish)

Hello everyone,

In 2017, I wrote a short book about my own perspective as a spiritual therian. Given the length and niche subject, I knew traditional publishing was unlikely. I considered self-publishing but figured it would be too difficult, and had heard awful horror stories about it.

Considering the interconnected nature of the therian community online, I decided to display the manuscript as a website. This format would allow the inclusion of images, linked citations, and more. A book could not achieve this. Over the years, I attempted to create a website but found modern content management systems too complex and blog-centric. The manuscript remained on my hard drive.

The therian community has changed over time. In 2023, I discovered neocities and aim to publish the manuscript in a (somewhat) a revised version there. My goal is to have the site mostly operational by the autumnal equinox of 2024 and the majority of the text published by the first full moon in November, which is International Therian Day.

As part of this website, I'll also share ideas for how therians could get involved with ecology and wildlife preservation efforts. It sounds unusual, but if you think about it, it makes sense.

thanks for reading,

C. Aonyx

Send a Message

In the meantime, feel free to reach out with questions or comments. Contact me through this form, the site's Neocities profile, or email me at Aonyx @ this domain. Discord username available upon request. I'm interested in joining therian servers on Discord, though I'm a bit hesitant about meeting new people.
